As students develop their ability to use technology effectively through research, collaboration, networking and individualised study, they will develop powerful skills that will facilitate the communication and execution of these ideas.

Programming and decoding are the new generation concepts which are going to rule the world. Developing this curiosity will encourage further creativity as students begin to understand what can and can’t be completed and challenge the processes to arrive at a solution.

– Improves logic-building, problem solving & decision making.

– Age specific training from fundamentals of MS Office to Programming concepts.

“Pure mathematics is in its own way, the poetry of logical ideas”. Albert Einstein

Mathematics is no longer a dull and dry subject with rolling numbers and formulas. At SSIS, children love doing maths through informal exploration. They generate their own problems and strive to reach a solution.

-Discover mathematics through doing.

– Challenging activities to improve problem solving skills.

– Improve visualisation, manipulation and reasoning.


Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organising our CURIOSITY” Tim Minchin

Innovation and renewal are the key factors that drive the SSIS Science lab.

From uncovering the science behind bread-making to studying the properties of acids and bases, the children do it all, under instructor’s supervision.

– Fun learning of Science.

– Practical understanding of the theory.

– Child safe equipments.

English does not borrow from other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar. — James Nicoll

English Language Lab at SSIS is propelled with auto-didactic learning. It is well equipped to nurture and facilitate effective language learning. It is a dedicated space for foreign language learning where students access audio-visual materials.

– Learn English in an entertaining and interesting way.

– Discover more through self-learning.

– Improvised communication, reading & writing skills

– Command over language

– Academic vocabulary

At SSIS, we will ensure that children get an insight into the learning of art, which will teach kids skills they can use in other disciplines. The creative process involved in producing art is integral to learning. “if we teach kids loads of math and science but don’t encourage their creativity, they aren’t going to grow up to be great engineers and scientists and inventors and discoverers”

– Leisure & fun activities to ensure that every child gets an opportunity to unleash their inner Artist.

– Colouring with crayons to making miniature statues from clay; creating fine paper origami to designing a handmade birthday card..

– Various activities to exploit their artistic potential!

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Alan Kay

The intrinsic desire for new information can enhance learning, memory, and exploration. Robotics develops productive curiosity. At SSIS Robotics and Tinkering lab, children are exposed to the idea of inventing and using their engineering and mechanical skills allowing them to be more entrepreneurial.

– Moreover the children are exposed to a delightful world of Artificial Intelligence by interaction with an innovative Interactive Robotic Talking Tree.

– Boosts critical thinking.

– Erects interest in literacy, numeracy and conveyance.